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Your Important Role in Monitoring Children's Development
Objective 1: Why monitoring children's development and identifying developmental concerns early are important (text)
Objective 2: Why early care and education providers have a unique and important role in developmental monitoring (text)
Objective 3: How developmental monitoring can be easy with support from CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." checklists and resources
Key Points
Understanding Children’s Developmental Milestones
Objective 1: Why understanding developmental milestones is important
Objective 2: How to recognize developmental milestones
Key Points
Objective and Engaged Developmental Monitoring
Objective 1: Understanding what developmental monitoring is
Objective 2: How to use CDC tools for developmental monitoring
Objective 3: How to help families when there are concerns about development
Key Points
How to Talk with Parents about their Child’s Development
Objective 1: How to communicate with families about development
Objective 2: How to encourage families to be aware of and monitor developmental milestones
Objective 3: How to communicate when you have a concern
Objective 4: Encourage families to talk with their child’s doctor about their child’s development
Key Points
Final Quiz
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